The Influence of Poster Media to The Knowledge of The Danger of Cigarettes in Employees of The Gebang 24 Vegetable Stall Yogyakarta

Emanuel Sohomile Bhala, Rodiyah Soekardi, Merita Eka Rahmuniyati


Cigarette is one of the causes of preventable death in society. Based on the Riskesdas report (2018), there are groups of active smoking population of 25.66 % are 20-24 years old and 23.86% are 25-29 years old. Health promotion is an effort to improve public health that focuses on promotive and preventive efforts. This research is done to determine the effect of poster media to the knowledge of the dangers of smoking among employees of Gebang 24 Vegetable Stall Yogyakarta. This research was carried out at Gebang 24 Vegetable Stall Yogyakarta. This is analytical research with a quasi-experimental approach and a One-Group-Pretest-Posttest design. The number of samples were 30 employees. Data collection uses a structured questionnaire while the sampling technique was total sampling. Data analysis uses the Wilcoxon matched pairs sign rank test. The research results show that most respondents (63.3%) are20-24 years old, (83.3%) of respondents work as shopkeepers, (73.3%) of respondents were senior high school graduates, almost all (96.7%) of respondents were unmarried. Regarding smoking behavior, more than half (53.3%) first smoked in junior high school. Regarding knowledge about the dangers of smoking, before the intervention the majority (63.3%) of respondents had insufficient knowledge about the danger of smoking. After the intervention, most (83.3%) their knowledge improved to good category. Statistically, there is influence of poster media to the knowledge of the dangers of smoking among Gebang 24 Vegetable Stall Yogyakarta because of the p value=0.000.

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